Herwig Maria Stark

The Austrian artist began his education as a fashion designer in Vienna, went thereafter to Italy, where he attended Accademia Italiana Moda in Florence. Some years later he continued his art studies in New York and Germany. The wide range of perceptions, coupled with experiences in foreign cultures enriched and expanded his vision of art, that shapes his personal and distinctive style.

In his expressionistic paintings, he explores the inner life of man. The intensity of expression, communication and psychological introspection of inner discomfort is manifested by his numerous portraits. Vigorous and determined are his portraits, marked by strong characters, are a reflection and vision of the human, not indicated as an individual identity, but as a collective identity. It seems that Herwig identifies and categorizes the emptiness in people with certain physiognomic features.

His faces, “etched” each with power on the canvas, exactly defined to the point to transmute almost to spirits of their own: people with cheekbones like chiseled, strong lips, sunken eyes and a hard metallic look that captivates us; masks of a modern society, observed with an almost cruel attention. Herwig shows us a society full of vices and weaknesses, melancholy and agitation.

The faces which impose themselves on the viewer almost with a penetrating glance, mirages of a familiar intimacy that reveal the deep-rooted malaise of a generation or more generally, reveal „the man in his essence.“ They challenge us with indifference and fragility, are magnets, which we can hardly escape.

They are creatures from a dark world, covering their faces with nervous bashful, lanky, sinewy hands, but the sinful, blood-red nail polish discloses their sexual excesses. Women, chic, with an elegant hairstyle, the long neck, covered with translucent beads seduce, with scarlet, slightly parted lips.
Other faces seem rather lost in thought and melancholy, portrayed offish in the vast loneliness and sadness that accompanies them, as lost souls in the world.
Black and white, wed in high contrast, can detect the latent drama of our society today.

Herwig portrays a chastening way a world of illusions, of restless souls, strong, fragile, desperate and lonely. With great empathy, wisdom and the skill of an artist of undisputed talent, the inner life of humanity is manifested.

Dr. Barbara Vincenzi



Finalist bei der Premio Marchionni. Concorso internatzionale d’arte comtemporanea 2017 – Sardinien, Italien

Finalist of Premio Marchionni. Concorso internatzionale d’arte comtemporanea 2017 – Sardinia, Italy


Preis der International Biennale Artists Miami 2014, Nina Torres Fine Art – Miami, USA

Award International Biennale Artists Miami 2014, Nina Torres Fine Art – Miami, USA


1. Preis des Concilio Europeo dell’Arte beim Art Contest On Web 2008–2009 – Venedig, Italien

On occasion of Art Contest On Web 2008–2009, the artwork THE DOLL was awarded with the 1st prize by the jury of the Concilio Europeo dell’Arte – Venice, Italy


2. Jury-Preis bei der Internationale Biennale für Bildende Kunst Austria 2006 – Hüttenberg, Österreich

2nd award of the Jury at Internationale Biennale für Bildende Kunst Austria 2006 – Hüttenberg, Austria


1. Preis Lorenzo il Magnifico bei der Biennale Internazionale dell´Arte Contemporanea di Firenze 2005 – Florenz, Italien

1st award Lorenzo il Magnifico at the 5th Florence Biennale 2005 – Florenz, Italien


Preis für die beste Herrenkollektion des Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung – Wien, Österreich

Award for the Best Men´s Collection 1996 by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture – Vienna, Austria


Internationales Design-Diplom, Accademia Italiana di arte, moda e design – Florenz, Italien

International design diploma, Accademia Italiana arte moda design – Florence, Italy

Public Collections

Museo MAGMMA – Museo d’arte grafica mediterraneo Marchionni – Villacidro, Italien / Italy

Jan Kossen Foundation – New York, USA

Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti – Rovereto, Italien / Italy

Van Abbe Museum – Eindhoven, Niederlande / Netherlands

Paul Getty Foundation – Siena, Italien / Italy

Trierenberg Art – Traun, Österreich / Austria

Professional memberships

Biennale Austria, Verein zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Künstler*innen – Wien, Österreich / Vienna, Austria

Concilio Europeo dell’Arte – Venedig, Italien / Venice, Italy

Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani – Venedig, Italien / Venice, Italy



Studien der Techniken alter italienischer Meister bei Angel Ramiro Sanchez, The Florence Academy of Art – Florenz, Italien

Studies of the Techniques of the old Italian masters under Angel Ramiro Sanchez, The Florence Academy of Art – Florence, Italy


Studien der Techniken alter Meister, Akademie Faber-Castell – Stein bei Nürnberg, Deutschland

Studies of the Techniques of the old masters, Akademie Faber-Castell – Stein near Nuremberg, Germany


Studium der Malerei bei Prof. Franz Graf, Akademie der bildenden Künste – Wien, Österreich

Studies in painting under Prof. Franz Graf, Akademie der bildenden Künste – Vienna, Austria


Accademia Italiana di arte, moda e design – Florenz, Italien

Accademia Italiana arte moda design – Florence, Italy


Modeschule der Stadt Wien im Schloß Hetzendorf – Wien, Österreich

Fashion School in Schloß Hetzendorf – Vienna, Austria

2024 © Herwig Maria Stark
2024 © Herwig Maria Stark